Thursday, June 28, 2007

Groovy is Seamed

With the new Groovy 1.1 beta out and its support for Java 5 annotations, wouldn't it be great to be able to write Seam applications in Groovy? Indeed it is great and you can do that with JBoss Seam (in CVS HEAD at the time of writing).

What is supported, how does it work?

You can write any entity and any action in Groovy. By simply annotating your Groovy classes with Seam annotations, they become Seam components.

class BookingListAction implements Serializable
@In EntityManager em
@In User user
@DataModel List bookings
@DataModelSelection Booking booking
@Logger Log log

@Factory public void getBookings()
bookings = em.createQuery('''
select b from Booking b
where b.user.username = :username
order by b.checkinDate''')
.setParameter("username", user.username)

public void cancel()
{"Cancel booking: #{} for #{user.username}")
Booking cancelled = em.find(Booking.class,
if (cancelled != null) em.remove( cancelled )
FacesMessages.instance().add("Booking cancelled for confirmation number #{}", new Object[0])

En passant, you can use Groovy to write your Entities, Hibernate support them out of the box. No constraint, no limitation, no XML ;-) More>>

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